For the Glory of the Lord Jesus Christ

Posts tagged “Campaign 2012

Christians and the marketplace

Political candidates in any level of race, but especially for that of the  President of the United States, have their political and personal views splashed  across any and every news outlet as they grab for the headlines.  Of course  with the Rev. Dennis Terry entering the news forum with his remarks:

I don’t care what the liberals say, I don’t care what the naysayers say, this  nation was founded as a Christian nation. There’s only one God, and his name is  Jesus. I’m tired of people telling me that I can’t say those words. I’m tired of  people telling us as Christians that we can’t voice our beliefs or we can no  longer pray in public. Listen to me. If you don’t love America, if you don’t  like the way we do things I have one thing to say — get out!  Rev. Dennis Terry

Was this nation founded for the Glory of the One True God?   Yes.  This is why settlers came to this country, because they were being  persecuted for their religious beliefs and they wanted the freedom to worship  God as they saw fit and not as some fickle king or queen might force them  to choose.

When it comes to Christians in the general public, many Christians  have felt that they have been shouted down by the secular humanists.   An excellent example of this is an article written by Andrea Stone at the Huffington Post, where she writes  about the issue of Christians entering the political marketplace:

Politicians should keep their religion to themselves and quit publicly  praying and talking so much about their faith, according to a new Pew Research Center survey.  In the  third consecutive poll conducted over the past four years, more than half of  those surveyed, 54 percent, said religious institutions should keep out of  politics while 40 percent said such institutions should express their views on  social and political matters. From 1996 to 2006, the balance tilted the other  way.

When this writer was studying at seminary, the idea of Christians  entering the marketplace began to gain credence and subsequently books were  being written urging Christians to enter.  So what is this  marketplace?  It is anywhere that a Christian is plugged into; i.e. their  jobs, businesses, churches, families, friends, sports, entertainments,  etc.  As such, Christian business directories began to be published as  well, so that Christians at large could choose to either shop  exclusively at Christian owned businesses or still shop at  large.

Politicians who claim to belong to the Christian faith also took this  marketplace idea and began to enter it into their own personal arena, the arena  of politics.  Candidates have always made some acknowledgement of their  religious beliefs, whether in a passing comment or an extensive proclamation of  their particular beliefs.  But the resurgence of this phenomenon most  likely came to the fore when President George W. Bush came into the office,  openly acknowledging the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and  Savior.  The phenomenon has continued on to this day, now with Rick  Santorum openly proclaiming his conservative beliefs that clearly have been  generated from a belief in the Christian Scriptures, hence:

Marriage is a society’s life blood. Not everybody can or will marry, but all  of us (married or not) depend on marriage in a unique way. Marriage is  foundational: it creates and sustains not only children but civilization itself.  This is an institution which protects our liberty.

We can do this without cravenly surrendering timeless truths about marriage  and human life. We don’t want liberal media-approved lawyers and politicians  massaging the meaning of words, or judges implementing vast social changes  without the consent of the governed, or, frankly, politicians like President  Obama who cannot even tell you what marriage will be next week Rick Santorum.

“I’m standing firm on conservative principles. I’m no Etch a Sketch waiting  to be shaken up & re-shifted (tweet from Rick Santorum’s at 1:42 p.m.  3/21/2012).”

The Constitution of the United States, in the First Amendment of the Bill of  Rights, guarantees our freedom as it pertains to what is commonly known as the  “right to free speech.”

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or  prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of  the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the  Government for a redress of grievances  (First  Amendment).

This is what Christians in the marketplace is all about.    Regaining the ability to openly proclaim what we as Christians believe and to no  longer tolerate being shouted down by those who choose to not believe in the  Lord Jesus Christ.  Even as the song that Helen Reddy made so popular, that  fanned the fires of the Women’s Rights movement, the opening lines to I am Woman with a slight revision by this writer:

I am Christian, hear me roar In numbers too big to ignore And I know  too much to go back an’ pretend ‘Cause I’ve heard it all before And I’ve  been down there on the floor No one’s ever gonna keep me down again

This song by Helen Reddy has long stood as a symbol of being the best that  you can.  So as it is now in the forefront of the political news,  Christians are entering the arena of politics and the marketplace as a whole,  determined to express our views of Christianity, even as guaranteed by the First  Amendment of the United States Constitution.  And they all said,  “AMEN!”

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